BSB Card Reader Access
- Access to shared spaces and building entrance/exits are given through the Director’s Office.
- All lab/departmental/core facility access is granted through those facilities.
- Form will need to be downloaded and opened in Adobe DC only
- Applicant will complete the information at the top of the form and check what access they are requesting
- The applicant will submit the form to the department/supervisor for signature.
- Department/supervisor will sign and send completed forms for shared access to
- Form must come from a faculty/staff member email. Paper forms are not accepted. Justification will be required for certain areas of the building due to safety and security concerns. Expiration dates are required and should not exceed 5 years.
**Please notify the Director’s office immediately when someone in your area leaves so that access can be deactivated. This can include taking a job elsewhere on campus, retirement, or other various reasons.**