Transmission Electron Microscope
Spectra 300C (TEM)
- Thermo Fisher
- TEM, STEM, Cryo-TEM, EELS, EDS, MicroED, Tomo
- Accelerating Voltage: 30kV-300kV
- Max. Resolution: 0.1 nm
- Cold Field Emission Gun
- Dual-X EDS Detector by Bruker
- Elsa Cryo-stage by Gatan
- BiocContinuum HD Imaging Filter by Gatan
- EELS by Gatan (1067HD)
- MicroED Package
- STEM and TEM Tomography
- Ceta-D camera
- K3 camera
- Windows 10
3D Laser Scanning Microscope
- Olympus Corp.
- Motorized stage: 100 mm
- Objective lenses: 5X, 10X, 20X, 50X, 100X
- DIC mode
- Laser: 405nm
- Windows 10
Atomic Force Microscope
Dimension Icon (AFM)
- Bruker Corp. Modes: Contact, Tapping, and Peak Force (air)
- Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM)
- Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM)
- High Accuracy Peak Force Mode (QNM)
- High Efficiency DD Fluid Cell V2
- Max. Resolution: Z< 0.1nm, x,y< 1nm
- Windows 10
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope
FV-3000 (CLSM)
- Olympus Corp.
- Lasers: 405/445/488/561/640nm
- Objective lenses: 4X, 10X, 20X (oil), 60X (oil), 100X (oil)
- Resonant and Galvo scanners
- Motorized x/y/z-stage
- Software: FV31S-SW
- Windows 10
- Tokai Hit Stage Top Incubator
- Simple Entry Model STRF-WELSX-SET
Electron Beam Lithography
Voyager (EBL)
- Raith Nanofabrication
- Located in the clean room at the BRIC
- Field Emission Gun (FEG)
- Accelerating Voltage 10kV-50kV
- Beam Current: 50pA-40nA
- Line Width: 10nm
- Writefield: up to 500 microns
- 50MHz pattern generator
- Traxx and Periodixx for stitching free writing
- Windows 10
Fluorescence Microscope IX-81
- Olympus Corp.
- DP81, Peltier cooled 12.5MP digital camera
- Fluorescence Filters
- DAPI-filter: ext. 375-415nm, em. 440-480nm
- GFP-filter: ext. 450-490nm, em. 500-550nm
- TRITC/Cy3-filter: ext. 530-560nm, em. 590-650nm
- CY5-filter: ext. 605-645nm, em. 650-710nm
- Objective Lenses: 4x, 10X, 20X, 40X, 60X (oil), 100X (oil)
- Motorized z-stage
- Software: Cell Sens Dimension 2
- Windows 10
Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope
Versa 3D (FIB-SEM)
- FEI Company
- ESEM / Low and High Vacuum Modes
- Accelerating Voltage 200V-30kV
- Max. Resolution: 1nm
- Field Emission Gun (FEG)
- Focused Ion Beam (FIB)
- Secondary Electron (SE) Detector
- Backscattered Electron (BSE) Detector
- Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS by EDAX)
- Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD by EDAX)
- Autoprobe 200.2 (Omniprobe)
- 6'' Piezo Stage
- Integrated Plasma Cleaner
- AutoSlice and View G3
- Nanobuilder software
- Windows 10
Light Microscope BX51
- Olympus Corp.
- XC-30, Peltier cooled 3.2MP digital camera
- Objective lens: 1.25X, 4X, 10X, 40X, 50X
- Polarized light
- 360 degree stage
- Software: Cell Sens Dimension 3
- Windows 10
Stereomicroscope SZX16 with fluorescence unit
- Olympus Corp.
- DP74, Peltier cooled 20MP digital camera
- Slim LED Illumination base
- Fiber optic illuminator with gooseneck light guides
- UV-filter: ext. 330-385nm, em. 420nm+
- GFP-filter: ext. 460-495nm, em. 510nm+
- RFP-filter: ext. 530-550nm, em. 575nm+
- Objective lens: 7x-115x; WD: 60mm
- Software: Cell Sens Dimension 2
- Windows 10
Tabletop Scanning Electron Microscope
TM3030 Plus (Tabletop SEM)
- Hitachi Ltd.
- High and Low Vacuum Mode
- Accelerating Voltage: 5kV, 15kV
- Max. Resolution: 25 nm
- Tungsten Filament
- Secondary Electron (SE) Detector
- Backscattered Electron (BSE) Detector
- Windows 10