Bruker Avance III HD 600MHz (Room E.153.R) is equipped with a SampleCase for automation and a Prodigy probe: 5mm CPPBBO BB-1H/19F-D Z-GRD and a room temperature probe: 5mm BBO BB-1H/D Z-GRD. It offers exceptional multinuclear sensitivities: 1H S/N: 1603:1 (sample: 0.1% EB in CDCl3)(RT probe: 473:1) 19F S/N: 1883:1 (sample: 0.05%TFT in CDCl3) 13C S/N: 1282:1 (sample: ASTM in C6D6) (RT probe: 383:1) 15N S/N: 98:1 (sample: 90% foramide in DMSO-d6)(RT probe: 50:1) 31P S/N: 737:1 (sample: 0.0485M TPP in Acetone-d6)(RT probe: 233:1) |
Bruker Avance III HD 400MHz (Room E.215.R) is equipped with a SampleCase for automation and a 5mm PABBO BB/19F-1H-D Z-GRD. It offers variable temperature capability and multinuclear sensitivities as follows: 1H S/N: 353:1 (sample: 0.1% EB in CDCl3) 19F S/N: 288:1/445:1 without or with 1H decoupling (sample: 0.05%TFT in CDCl3) 13C S/N: 233:1 (sample: ASTM in C6D6) 13C S/N: 240:1 (sample: 10% EB in CDCl3) 15N S/N: 31:1 (sample: 90% foramide in DMSO-d6) 31P S/N: 237:1 (sample: 0.0485M TPP in Acetone-d6) |
Bruker Fourier 300MHz (Room E.208) is equipped with a SampleXpress Lite for automation and a 5mm DUL 13C-1H-D Z-GRD.Sample rotation is not permitted without special permission on any instrument except the Bruker Fourier 300. It offers sensitivities as follows: 1H S/N: 168:1 (sample: 0.1% EB in CDCl3) 13C S/N: 120:1 (sample: ASTM in C6D6) |
Agilent VNMRS 500MHz (Room E.153.R) is equipped with a 5mm 1H {13C/15N} PFG probe and a 5mm AutoXDB 1H-19F/15N-31P PFG probe. It offers sensitivities as follows: 1H S/N: 937.4:1 (sample: 0.1% EB in CDCl3)(AX probe: S/N: 393:1) |
Solid-State Bruker Avance 300MHz (Room E.208) is equipped with a custom made MAS sample probe. | |
Bruker EMX|Plus EPR (Room E.208) is maintained through a collaboration between the Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry and the Director’s Office. Dr. Murugaeson Kumar (Dept. Chem. & Biochem.) is responsible for the training and maintenance associated with routine use. |