Please click here to open a ticket for any FOM Request.
The Collaborative Equipment Network for Teaching and Research (CENTR) at the BSB facilitates access to shared equipment providing both scheduling and invoicing services. CENTR is powered by FOM Networks and serves as a central scheduling hub for all major equipment and instrumentation in our core research facilities.
Visit to log in, and select which instrument you want to reserve from the list below to be taken directly to the instrument's scheduling calendar.
If you are new to FOM and you need an account, please click here for detailed instructions. You will need your PI's name to request access.
We are currently utilizing FOM in the centers below:
Center for Microscopy and Imaging
TEM Single Electron Detector and EELS
Mass Spectrometry Center
Molecular Biosciences Center
Bio Tek Elx800 Absorbance Plate
Thermo Varioskan LUX Multimode Plate Reader
Cell Culture Facility - BSC Dwight
Cell Culture Facility - BSC Jim
Cell Culture Facility - BSC Michael
Cell Culture Facility - BSC Pam
GE Typhoon FLA9000 Phosphor/Fluoro Imager
Center for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR)
Chemical Stockroom
Instrumental Analysis C.216
Atomic Absorption Spectrometer iCE3400
CH Instruments Electrochemistry Station