How to add Chem/Biochem Rotation Account
1.) Go to from a computer connected to Baylor’s network* (please bookmark this link for future use).
2) Select <Click here to Login with Bear ID> and login with your Bear ID and Password. If this is your first-time logging in please follow the prompt to setup your FOM profile
- be sure to select “Chemistry and Biochemistry” as your department.
- and select “, Chemistry Rotation” as your supervisor.**
3) On the left-hand sidebar select <My Accounts>
4) Verify that
A) “, Chemistry Rotation” is selected in the <Account PI/Supervisor> dropdown then
B) select “ Chemistry_Rotation” from the <Account Number> drop down.
5) Click the “Add this account” button. You are now free to use the FOM calendar system to request trainings and/or reserve instruments using this account. Please contact Center directors for additional information on training times and swipe access to their facility.
6) Once you have completed your lab rotations, please email and copy to reset your PI/Supervisor information to your new advisor.
**If you selected the wrong supervisor during setup or already have a specified supervisor in that system, please email and copy to have your supervisor changed to the Chemistry_Rotation account to avoid delays using the system.